February 21, 2024 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm HEARTLAND HIGH SCHOOL COMMONS, 124 IDAHO ST, MCCALL
Ages:  7-15 years of age 
Dates:  February 21st
Times:  6:00-7:00pm
Location:  Heartland High School
Cost:  $15
Instructor:  Cora Coleman
What’s the best part about learning a culinary artform?  The taste testing of course.
And who doesn’t love a cupcake?!
Students will learn to read instructions, measure ingredients, talk about how chemistry works with baking, learn piping and other baking techniques and above all experience the culinary artform through the senses, especially taste.
Cora Coleman was the owner and operator of Mountain Cakery in Mammoth CA for 4 years prior to moving to McCall with her family in 2017.  She is currently the Outreach Coordinator for Roots Forest School, Idaho’s first forest preschool, located in Ponderosa State Park.  So, baking is something she only does for fun or when those who have tasted her delightful creations beg her to do so.
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Cupcakes with Cora $15 Tickets are sold out.