CUB Drop-Ins
Thank you for sharing our community space.
To open the door, press the top button, then 3000, then turn the deadbolt. To close, just press the top button and turn the bolt. You may need to lean into the door a little.
The lanterns create a nice soft lighting, opposed to the harsh fluorescent lighting. Lantern switches are in the room corners and inside the kitchen.
When using the room, our ethic is Own the Space. Use the kitchen, make tea, use the fridge or printer, adjust the heat or use the fan, play background music with the iphone and speaker, and move furniture. It is always nice to then undo these changes when you leave, making it easy for the next person to make the space their own.
Bring a headset to allow people privacy during conversations and Zoom calls, including your own.
Note the weekly event schedule posted in the front window and kitchen island. We generally give over the space for large meetings and classes. It’s on all of us to pay attention so we know when these are scheduled.
There is a black wall mounted deposit box above the printer for cash and checks and codes for Venmo and PayPal on a side table. Suggested contribution for day use is $10-$15. Meetings and classes are $25. Full day room rentals start at $75 and must be confirmed to book.
We appreciate your support and enjoy meeting people sharing the space. Thank you.
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programs from the MAHC